Experience _ Places

Experience _ Places

Virtual Germany

from all over Germany

There is a community of VR enthusiasts in every major city. Whether VRankfurt, Bremersiv, HannoVR or DüsseldorVR – VR communities are everywhere! Last year, the idea came up to bring the communities together and the first “Virtual Germany” was planned – a Meetup completely in virtual reality.

Social VR - Virtual encounters

At the Places _ Festival, Virtual Germany has also set itself the goal of bringing the community together across physical boundaries: Places participants who are on site in Gelsenkirchen will use VR goggles to enter a shared space with participants who join them virtually. This makes it possible to experience first-hand what virtual encounters and conversations feel like.

Meet VR enthusiasts from all over Germany and visit Virtual Germany at Christoph Lammert's studio, Bochumer Straße 108.

Fabian Rücker from Virtual Germany informs about the virtualization of personal encounters.

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