What can VR do and why actually “Places”?
Program partners describe their view
In the run-up to the festival some of our companions, partners and supporters of the last two years have given their views on VR.

Lukas Kuhlendahl, Weltenweberei:
“Virtual Reality offers an incredible number of possibilities, especially in the field of museums and culture. Particularly, when it comes to knowledge transfer, a VR experience simply lingers longer in the memory and thus offers real added value. We are pleased that there is a Places Festival again this year, as we can present our applications to many people here.”
Claudia Jericho, CREATIVE.NRW:
“The creative sector continues to offer pioneering solutions for society, business and politics – this is nothing new, and yet it cannot be emphasised enough and made visible with particularly successful examples: Like with the Places _ Virtual Reality Festival. Here it becomes clear, what positive effects creative ideas and actors, as well as innovative technologies can have on a district or even on an entire city and thus, in the long term, also on the economic development of a region.”

Waldemar Jenek, Hochschule Bochum:
“When a colleague drew my attention to the Places _ VR Festival, I thought the event was a great opportunity to develop a VR project together with students from the Faculty of Architecture at Bochum University of Applied Sciences. I approached the event with relatively low expectations and saw it as a public forum for the students to present their projects. All the more, I was pleasantly surprised when a multitude of interesting networking and cooperation opportunities arose during the festival days.”