The idea of a community driven festival
When we talk to possible partners, sponsors or supporters about the festival, the explanation of what we are actually doing here always starts the same way. For one thing: We are not a fair, the program partners are not exhibitors and the festival site is not an exhibition hall. On the other hand: our event is only as strong as the people who are contributing. You cannot and do not have to buy in. What applies to the program partners also applies to the visitors: the festival is freely accessible.
We see the festival as a platform that represents the status quo of developments in the VR industry and offers a platform for avant-garde approaches. Together with program elements such as the Hackathon, the DIVR Science Award, the WORKshops and projects like Creative _ Places, this results in an event where it is not the festival management that gives the directions, but where the participants, partners and visitors themselves become the designers of the festival program. Gelsenkirchen-Ückendorf and the Places _ VR Festival offer a framework, spaces and possibilities that are full of potential for every single visitor.