Places _ VR Festival 2020 is postponed
New date is the 20 – 22 August 2020
The current situation around the Corona pandemic also has an impact on the Places _ VR Festival. In the last few days, we have been thinking a lot about if and how the Places _ VR Festival 2020, or parts of it, can still take place in a, for example, digital form – despite the current situation. But since the personal encounters and the festival character are essential for us, we have decided to postpone the festival to 20 – 22 August.
Even though our scheduled date is after the official ban on events in mid-April, there is no planning security for visitors, program partners and us as organizers. Therefore we have chosen this way in consultation with our client, the Wirtschaftsförderung Gelsenkirchen.
We declare our solidarity with all our colleagues, who have to cancel or postpone similar events and we want to become active with digital offers for other festivals and conferences, such as re:publica, OMR Festival or Laval Virtual. We will keep you informed about our plans here as well as on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn and hope to see you all in August! Stay healthy and take care!
Your Places _ Team
Roman, Matthias, Sabrina, Elli, Roman and Simon