Immersive Hackathon 2022 | Virtual Reality im Planetarium
The cooperation with the Zeiss Planetarium in Bochum goes into the second round.

Places x lala.ruhr @biennial of urban landscape
We already collaborated with lala.ruhr at the last Places _ VR Festival. The network was our guest there with their project "image green urban futures".

The avant-garde of XR research visits Gelsenkirchen
18 university teams from all over Germany made their way to the Places _ VR Festival in mid-September to take part in the DIVR Science Award 2021 with their research project. In the underground [...]

Making the web safer – in just 24 hours!
Whether it’s hacker attacks, espionage or security breaches – problems around the topic of IT and data security occupy corporations and start-ups, municipalities and ministries. During the 24 [...]

In 2021, DIVR Award, Experience _ Places, Festival, Festival, Hackathon, Ort2021, Programm, Programmpartner, Speaker, Uncategorized
Posted Throwback to the Places _ VR Festival 2021!
From 16 to 18 September, Bochumer Straße in Gelsenkirchen presented itself for the third time as a centre for the German and international VR scene. The wide range of applications showed that VR [...]

In 2021, DIVR Award, Experience _ Places, Festival, Festival, Programm, Programmpartner, Uncategorized
Posted Saving lives with VR and AR
In an emergency, every second counts – fast workflows are therefore essential. With VR and AR, it is possible to make the training of medical professionals even more efficient with virtual [...]

In 2021, DIVR Award, Experience _ Places, Festival, Festival, Ort2021, Programm, Programmpartner, Uncategorized
Posted International VR and AR Art at the Places _ VR Festival
Art and culture have always been an important part of our social coexistence and have constantly evolved, just like people. VR and AR now add a whole new component that opens up new worlds. This [...]