The SmartCity becomes reality -
how augmented reality is changing our everyday lives.
Among experts and in municipal administrations, the smart city has long been an established concept. For the citizen, however, the vision of the smart city is often not yet tangible, as the development of a solid infrastructure for such a city is still a challenge. Now, however, thanks to AR technology, the next step of the SmarCity is imminent, in which every citizen can notice changes in everyday life. The interdisciplinary panel from administration, science and technology will discuss when and in what form actual added value will be created and a more positive urban experience will be experienced through technology and networking.
Panel Participants

Lukas Rissel
The digital officer Lukas Rissel works in the staff unit Networked City at the City of Gelsenkirchen and heads the programme “Model Projects Smart Cities”. He drives the digital transformation process within the city and strengthens inter-municipal exchange. As a Gelsenkirchener, he always keeps a close eye on the local reality in addition to XR.