

Daniela Schumacher

Founder of PsyCurio

Daniela is the founder of the digital health start-up PsyCurio. She studied psychology and neuroscience and has written about psychological topics for the Deutsche Presse Agentur, Wirtschaftswoche and in specialist book publications, among others. In her research, she has studied the factors that make for successful and healthy leadership. She has been passing on this knowledge to companies as a coach and in workshops for 3 years and also implements it in her own team PsyCurio. PsyCurio develops digital methods to promote mental health. As a mentor, she supports female-led tech start-ups alongside her own founding activities.


The experiential simulator for our brain - how VR triggers neurological & psychological changes

Friday, 17.09.2021

6.00 p.m. on stage

Click here for the timetable

Our speakers 2021