


Trinkhalle am Flöz

Bochumer Str. 139
45886 Gelsenkirchen

About the places

“Your Revier” is large and only complete when a proper drinking establishment is nearby.” That’s how the “drinking hall at the coal seam” (“Trinkhalle am Flöz”) describes itself. The pub, which offers everything that belongs to a real Trinkhalle, from numerous beer specialities and good wines to meatballs and wine gums, is quasi a direct product of the Places _ VR Festival 2018. Owner Tom Gawlig, who visited the festival, was so enthusiastic about the spirit in the Bochumer Straße quarter that he opened his new gastronomy here in 2019, for the “Szeniale” cultural festival.

Experience _ Places you can discover here:

In and in front of the Trinkhalle you can enjoy cold drinks and watch the startup pitch, the DIVR award show, the hackathon award ceremony and the expert panels in the live stream.