Creative _ Places

Creative _ Places

For the second time after 2019, 6 artists came together to work together for a week on an art project using AR and VR. The creative people came from the neighbourhood (Beate Gärtner and Jan Schulten), from other parts of Germany (Lena Biresch, Ilja Mirski, Kathi Schulz) and from the near abroad (Lucas Dewulf from Gent, Belgium). But it is not only geographically that the artists had different origins – their creative approaches also differ. The influences range from dramaturgy to sound design, from directing to visual arts, from classical media art to immersive storytelling. On the Sunday before the Places _ VR Festival, the 6 actors met for the first time in their working laboratory for this week, the Subversiv on Bochumer Straße.

The Artists

Places _ VR Festival / Frank Vinken

Lena Biresch

Theatre director from Hamburg

Places _ VR Festival / Frank Vinken

Lucas Dewulf

Nearly Norman
Creative technologist and immersive storyteller from Ghent, Belgium

Places _ VR Festival / Frank Vinken

Beate Gärtner

Media artist from Essen

Places _ VR Festival / Frank Vinken

Ilja Mirsky

Dramatic advisor from Tübingen

Places _ VR Festival / Frank Vinken

Jan Schulten

Sound designer from Essen

Places _ VR Festival / Frank Vinken

Kathi Schulz

Artist from Düsseldorf

The social VR performance detached deals with the boundaries of digital and analog worlds, control and voyerism. During the three-minute performance, visitors can control the performers in a video game like setting. The commands from the visitors are implemented by the performers through their avatars in VR. The VR space in which the avatars act can be seen on a live stream projection.


Fotos Places _ VR Festival / Frank Vinken / Medienmalocher, Ravi Sejk

In Fridays evening’s livestream, artist Kathi Schulz was the guest of the artists’ flat-sharing community in an interview with festival director Matthias Krentzek. She talks about the life of the group, the creative process and her VR art performance entitled “DE TACHED”.



Daniela Berglehn is head of the cultural funding department and curator of the VISIT program at the innogy Foundation for Energy and Society.


Denise Gühnemann loves games since her childhood and King’s Quest IV. Accordingly, she has been working in the field of games and media education since 2012, currently at the Institute for Media Research and Media Education of the Technical University of Cologne.


Daniel Hengst is a Berlin based media artist. For his achievements in this field he received the Dr. Otto-Kasten-Prize in 2014. In 2019 Daniel Hengst himself was part of Creative _ Places as an artist himself.

Portrait Claudia Jericho / CREATIVE.NRW 
fotografiert im Mediapark Köln

Claudia Jericho is head of the office of Creative.NRW. For 25 years, business economist Claudia Jericho has been working between, for and with culture and (creative) industry.


Krischan Jan-Eric Wesenberg is an internationally active musician and producer from Gelsenkirchen. Besides his own band projects like “Roter Sand” or “Wesenberg” he produces international music acts in his local “Studio 600”.

Creative Places 2020 is a project of
Insane Urban Cowboys e.V.


Supported by innogy Stiftung für Energie und Gesellschaft gGmbH as part of the Places _ VR Festival.

Creative _ Places 2019

Vesela, Vladimir, Farina, Frederika, Clemens and Daniel moved into our artists’ flat share for one week in 2019. Find out, which ideas they developed and how they concepted their exibithion:

Do you have questions about Creative _ Places?

Contact Sabrina now, she is your contact person for Crreative _ Places and answers all your questions.

Do you have questions about Creative _ Places?

Contact Sabrina now, she is your contact person for Crreative _ Places and answers all your questions.