Calls for participation
Calls for participation
Places _ 2020 offers you diverse possibilities to be active yourself. Be part of the Places _ Community! The calls will close at the latest on the specified dates or when the festival capacities are exhausted. So please apply as early as possible!

Program Partner
For all companies, institutions and developers, that want to present their Extended Reality app to a large professional audience and a broader public. We will put you in the right light, in the most dynamic quarter of the Ruhr Area. With this reality check you can only win.
Call closed.

DIVR Science Award
For all universities in Germany, that do Extended Reality research. Present your proof of concept to a professional jury and apply for one of three awards and use Places _ 2020 as a stage for you and your project. The award is a cooperation project of ‘Deutsches Institut für Virtual Realty’ and Places _ VR Festival.
Call closed.

Startup Pitch
For all startups and founders with business ideas in the field of Extended Reality. Whether you are in the founding phase right now, or a few steps ahead towards a successful business, we will put you in the right light at the Places _ Startup Pitch. Network with ‘the’ business network of the Ruhr Area.
Call closed.

For all experts in the field of Extended Reality. Whether you are researching fundamentals or coming from practical experiences, whether you are following technology critically or you are enthusiastic about it. We, the Places _ Community and all the festival participants want to hear your voice. The festival languages are German and English.
Call closed.

Whether developer, designer, storyteller, gamer, professional, student or technology enthusiast – our 24h hackathon needs diverse teams. The event is directed at all skill levels, in the field of Extended Reality, from beginner to professional, and serves to learn together and from one another.
Call open – limited seats

You or your company have an Extended Reality app, that may be used in the professional or the commercial context? You want to present it to a group of executives from a certain sector? The Places _ WORKshops are your format! We are pleased to receive your individual application at
Call closed.

Creative _ Places
For all those who deal artistically with Extended Reality and are interested in an exchange with other artists. We offer you an intensive week (residence) in an exciting Urban quarter in the heart of the Ruhr area, which is in the midst of change and new beginnings.
Call closed.

Sponsor / Commercial Partner
For all companies, that want to share in the great attention that the Places _ Virtual Reality Festival creates. For all that want to support Places _ 2020 non-materialistically or financially, and for all that want to advertise their products or services at the festival: We are pleased to receive your individual inquiry at
Call closed.

Open Call
You cannot find your contribution for the Places _ 2020 here? You have got another idea on how your company could support the Places _ VR Festival? Well, bring it on!
Call closed.
We love early birds!
Your call is not open yet? When the time comes, you want to be the first in the know? We are looking forward to a short message from you already, and we will answer you personally.